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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Heart and Stroke ride; using your head when riding

    The sight of a massive amount of cyclists taking over a major highway may be enough to give any cycling advocate a heart attack, but the scene above is...

  • Soft City Workshop @ Riverdale Art Walk Sunday

    UPBAG’s Soft City Workshop at the Riverdale Art Walk: Sunday, June 4, 1-5 pm, Toronto Free Gallery (660 Queen Street East) The Soft City is an...

  • Dreams of expressway die hard

    John Lorinc has an article in the Globe and Mail today about the 35th anniversary of the cancellation of the Spadina Expressway but he approaches it from...

  • SPACING: 35 Years Without the Spadina Expressway

    As part of the City of Toronto’s inaugural Humanitas Festival, a celebration of Toronto’s rich history, Spacing magazine proudly presents 35...

  • Laneway tours

    Graeme Parry leads great little tours of Toronto’s laneways. His first one starts this Saturday. There are a bunch of other tours this summer if you...

  • City Idol tonight

    A little last minute, but the downtown portion of City Idol drops tonight at the Kathedral (corner Bathurst and Queen W). More info here. photo by Lee Towndrow

  • TTC accident this morning

    As if the TTC wasn’t having a bad week, the Toronto Star is reporting 10 people were injured this morning in a subway accident: The Dupont subway...

  • 70% of election funds from developers in 905 region

    The Star has an article today (as does the Globe’s John Barber) about political donations in the 905-region. In Vaughan, “the city above...

  • TTC union attack ads

    Did anyone see the ads that the TTC union took out in the major papers yesterday? They described how TTC driver Bobbie was assaulted by a passenger...

  • ReSurface this Saturday

    On Saturday, the graffiti collective Style in Progress will host the 3rd annual ReSurface event, where 30 graffiti artists transform the walls of the...

  • Spadina Expressway renderings

    Spacing is throwing a party to honour the work of community activists that saved Toronto from the perils of superhighways. 35 Years Without the Spadina...

  • SPACING.CA ARTICLE: This is my neighbourhood

    Spacing periodically posts articles, and this is one of those days. Laura Boudreau goes into grade four, five and six classes to find kids...