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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • A Toronto “What If?”

    Today’s Toronto Star has a great section called “What If?” It is very much like our “History of our Future” issue from last...

  • Connect the streetcars

    The TTC is considering turning two or three streetcars into one long “coupled” vehicle along the King Street streetcar route. The...

  • Architecture is a transformer

    The Saturday edition of the Globe and Mail has a few articles on the architectural and culutral renaissance Toronto is undergoing. Lisa Rochon has the...

  • Speaking of the waterfront…

    CommunityAIR, the group that helped stop the bridge to the Toronto Island Airport, is still battling hard to keep any kind of commercial airline out of...

  • Conflicting views of T.O.’s waterfront and engery needs

    Robert Ouellette had a good post on Reading Toronto yesterday (with some good links, too): “Why is it that whenever Toronto begins to improve the...

  • United We Can

    Found this article on CBC’s website about binners and dumpster divers. I like the name of the organization involved in this project: United We Can...

  • Senior ticketed for taking too long to cross street

    Gotta love this — an old lady crossing the street in Los Angeles gets a ticket from a motorcycle cop because she was too slow. It’s still...

  • Easter Egg Hunt

    The crazy kids over at Newmindspace have hatched a new plan — the Easter Egg Hunt. They need people to be involved this Sunday so if you’re...

  • Developing downtown Vaughan

    As we posted a few weeks ago, “downtown” Vaughan will rise thanks to the provincial government’s decision to fund the Spadina/York...

  • Last day for street furniture survey

    Today is the last day for the public to fill out a street furniture survey. It is very important for as many people to fill this out so that the City...

  • Public space in the news today

    Here are a few links to articles in today’s papers: The TTC is going shopping for new streetcars. The photo above, from Minneapolis, is the new...

  • Art installation gets bomb squad call

    On April 1st, five teenager girls, ages 16 to 17, put up question block icons seen in Super Mario video games. The clever public art installation in...