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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Toronto’s New Year resolutions

    This might be a good time to lay out our wish list for 2006. • Do not approve the EUCAN monster bins: Within the coming months, the City’s...

  • Toronto’s Public Spaces in 2005

    Both Eye Weekly and NOW ran excellent 2005 year in review features. Here’s the stuff they pointed out that the Spacing Wire thinks is worth...

  • Harper on transit

    From People who buy monthly public transit passes will be given a tax credit of 16 per cent, saving the average user about $150 per year, The...

  • Reading Toronto

    Some might say that the Reading Toronto blog is our competition, but in fact they are our friends. RT offers readers intelligent critique and ideas that...

  • NYC police infiltrate bike and anti-war activism

    An early holiday present to New York City cycling activists was revealed last week in the New York Times. For the last 16 months, undercover NYC police...

  • We’ve been nice (according to the Star)

    In Saturday’s edition of the Star, Spacing was placed on the Nice side of the Naughty or Nice list in the their A&E section. They write...

  • The suburban loft

    If we needed another signal of the demise of the urban loft, it has arrived. A development in a suburb of Denver is experimenting with the suburban...

  • Public squares around the world

    NOTE: The Spacing Wire will be posting only occasionally throughout the next week — The Editors Probably the best North American resource for...

  • Knit graffiti

    There is a new type of graffiti that should catch on here in Canada — knit graffiti. A Montrose, Texas crew, calling themselves Knitta, are yarn...

  • New York City transit strike

    If you haven’t heard, New York City’s transit system was shut down at 3am today by a union strike. Nealy 7 million people are walking, biking...

  • Parkour video

    The phenomena known as Parkour has been catching on like crazy lately [ read Jim Munroe’s article from Spacing Spring/Summer 2004 issue ]. It can be...

  • SPACING: Monday’s new articles

    As we announced in our monthly newsletter, Spacing will post new articles every Monday. This week we have three pieces for you: • Spacing contributor...