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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Subverting graffiti

    Christopher Hutsul has an interesting piece in the Toronto Star today about a Sony graffiti promotion in NYC and San Francisco: Graffiti purists are...

  • In defense of Sprawl

    The Torontoist’s Ron Nurwisah sent this along to us: Sprawl is the arch-nemesis of progressive urban planning. North America’s love affair...

  • GIFT GUIDE: name a BikeShare bike

    Over the next week or two the contributors to the Spacing Wire are going to suggest some random gift ideas for the coming holidays. The first idea...

  • TONIGHT: Graffiti Art Show

    THEM, a graffiti art organization which works to find employment for young urban artists, is hosting an art show tonight at It’s Not A Deli (986...

  • TONIGHT: Ecobunk Awards

    Do you ever get upset when you see blatantly misleading advertisements? So does the Toronto Environmental Alliance. Each year they host Ecobunk, a...

  • Paul Dotey’s “Bridge”

    Local artist Paul Dotey handed me a copy of his six-page zine at the release party of Spacing‘s current issue. I had it on my “must read...

  • Greening Toronto’s roofs

    Spacing Wire reader Brendan Stewart sent this along: The City of Toronto is currently in the middle of a process to develop a policy that will encourage...

  • Gentrify this!

    Gentrification is a hot topic in all cities, and the neighbourhoods surrounding Toronto’s downtown core are no exception. Much of the West Queen...

  • Utilitarian canvases

    The Spacing Wire posted back on October 7th, 2005 about the work Joe Pantalone’s office is doing with local graffiti artists and Bell utility boxes...

  • Dying to walk

    The Seattle Post-Intelligencer recently ran an article linking pedestrian deaths to an individual’s socio-economic standing. The article even points...

  • Cycling calendar by CBN

    If you don’t know about the Community Bicycle Network, you should visit their web site. They are the ones trying to convince City Hall to make this...

  • Vancouver cracks down on public heroin use

    Police in Vancouver say they plan to start arresting drug addicts who shoot up in public, an uncontroversial idea in some cities but not in Vancouver. The...