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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Decision by the lake

    Christopher Hume writes in the Toronto Star today: “Sometime [Tuesday] at city hall, the much discussed East Bayfront Precinct Plan will finally go...

  • A moving canvas

    SpacingWire reader Paul Bowser pointed us towards an art project called Moving Canvas from Berlin that excites and scares the hell out of me — a...

  • Spacing release party Nov 24th!

    SPACING #5 WINTER 2006: The New Beautiful City RELEASE PARTY: Thursday November 24 2005 Arts & Letters Club • 8pm • $10 To help celebrate...

  • Development issues are hot

    If you haven’t already noticed, Spacing managing editor Dale Duncan has taken on the City beat for Eye Weekly. The topic that has been turning her...

  • Montreal’s big tent

    Spacing contributor Leah Sandals has a piece in our upcoming issue about politics in public art. One of the artist groups she focuses on is Action...

  • New issue of Spacing Nov. 24th!

    SPACING #5 WINTER 2006: The New Beautiful City RELEASE PARTY: Thursday November 24 2005 Arts & Letters Club • 8pm • $10 Spacing‘s...

  • TPSC on the cover of Eye Weekly

    That smiling face , and wall of activists, that adorn the cover of Eye Weekly this week are the Toronto Public Space Committee. Spacing was born out that...

  • Pillow Fight!

    If you missed the wonderful public space intervention Pillow Fight last week at Dundas Square — staged by newmindspace — you should check the...

  • Transit sites to check out

    There are two sites worth checking out if you are a transit fan. The first one is The Yet Better Way by Leif Harmsen who decided to envision the way...

  • To Scarborough or York U?

    The Toronto Star has a a good report today about the aging Scarborough RT and the possible extention of the subway to York University. The Globe and Mail...

  • People for St. Clair

    Before Toronto got into the silly situation about the dedicated streetcar lane up on St. Clair, there was a great group doing community work to bring...

  • Does the Bike Plan have legs?

    As of late, we have been bemoaning the lack of action by the City on its own Bike Plan (for background click here and here). The Toronto Star reports...