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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • The Streets Are Alive cinema series

    Our friends at the Toronto Public Space Committee are starting a monthly fundraising event called The Streets Are Alive that features six independent...

  • Paris artists need your help

    We know this happens all over the world but we still wanted to bring your attention to it: A group of artists in Paris have taken over a big, abandoned...

  • Subways make underwater reefs

    Not sure how many of you know this (we just found out, too): since 2001, a slew of New York City subway cars have been dumped into the ocean up and down...

  • We Heart Dufferin Grove Park

    Spacing editor Dale Duncan, writes in Eye this week: “From the bus stop outside Dufferin Mall, Dufferin Grove seems like many of the other 1,460...

  • A new bike rack painter

    They say imitation is form of flattery, so the City Beautification Ensemble should be pleased that they are spawning copycats. The CBE, known around the...

  • Mayor doesn’t need more power

    Spacing thinks the most public of public spaces in Toronto should be City Hall. It is where the beacon of local democracy should fly highest. There are...

  • GO Transit email alerts

    GO Transit patrons may benefit from a new service offered by the agency: a free e-mail subscription service that lets passengers sign up for timely...

  • Philosopher’s Walk & talking TTC buses

    In the Toronto Star today, columnist Christopher Hume talks about the plans to fix up University of Toronto’s Philosopher’s Walk. And next...

  • Ride classic streetcars Aug 20th!

    A tip from our friends at the Transit Toronto blog: The TTC will be pressing its fleet of classic streetcars into service on Saturday, August 20, on the...

  • Reducing emissions in the GTA

    Environment columnist Cameron Smith asks, “Can the progress achieved by the Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF) in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in...

  • Ride the Rocket subway party

    On Tuesday, August 16th, you are invited to join a subway party for a night of cosmic proportions. Bring: costumes, instruments, bubbles, decorations...

  • Report Card on monster bins

    Our friends at the Toronto Public Space Committee have released a report card on the city’s monster garbage bin pilot project — the...