The Fort York Bridge: how I learned to stop worrying and love that Toronto sucks
This is a stupid old story that we’re all bored with, but you know when people mumble “Toronto sucks” or “Toronto isn’t...
By Shawn Micallef -
Headspace: The Fort York Pedestrian Cycle Bridge
This regular online series will feature interviews with fascinating and influential urban thinkers, with a focus on discussing how Toronto can become a...
By Luca De Franco -
STREET SCENE: Yellow Tires
On Bicycle Boulevards in Toronto
There is a spectre haunting the streets of Toronto — the spectre of separated bike lanes. Okay, perhaps it’s not quite that dramatic, but being a...
By Jake Tobin Garrett -
Toronto’s Next Steps on Complete Streets
At this year’s fourth annual Complete Streets Forum, Eva Ligeti, Executive Director of the Clean Air Partnership, emphasized that “the continued business...
By Hilary Best -
Complete Streets: An Interview with TCAT’s Nancy Smith Lea
It’s been a big year for Toronto’s streets. The good: Bixi is set to launch on May 3rd and Jarvis received a new bike lane. The not so good: we’ve seen...
By Hilary Best -
City seeks to eliminate citizens’ advisory committees
Toronto’s City Manager has sent a proposal to City Council’s executive committee for their April 20 meeting that seeks to eliminate most...
By Dylan Reid -
Headspace: Economist Jeff Rubin discusses Peak Oil
This regular online series will feature interviews with fascinating and influential urban thinkers, with a focus on discussing how Toronto can become a...
By Luca De Franco -
The Myth of the Cyclist as Urban Warrior
Hell hath no fury like a biker scorned. The New Yorker’s John Cassidy learned this the hard way after his blog post, “Battle of the Bike...
By Jake Tobin Garrett -
Stories from the Big Apple: New York City’s bike lane backlash
A press gallery silenced. A mayor building a reputation for being MIA. Councillor Minnan-Wong proposing forward thinking bike infrastructure on main...
By Jake Schabas -
Dutch sidewalk covered bike parking
I was in the town of Delft, in the Netherlands, a while ago and saw these ingenious pieces of bike infrastructure. I was told while I was in the...
By Dylan Reid -
PODCAST: Saving BIXI, Bronson Avenue, and our parks
LISTEN TO THE NEW SPACING RADIO PODCAST! While some parks are jam-packed with kids, dog walkers and seniors practicing Tai Chi, others are deserted and...
By Spacing