The Igor effect
A couple of summers ago, I did a post about a bike being stolen from in front of the police HQ. I said that the police ought to make more effort about...
By Dylan Reid -
Event Guide: What’s New in New York?
WHAT: “What’s New in New York?”: An evening of film and discussion featuring Transportation Alternatives‘ Noah Budnick. Films by...
By Dylan Reid -
The Bicycle Thief
[youtube][/youtube] In light of the recent coverage of bike thefts such as police bike baiting on Spadina and...
By Monika Warzecha -
Day 3 of the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure
Just one of the many different beautiful spots along the shores of Lake Ontario. I like adventure. I like to ride my bike. I like to ride it along the...
By Tammy Thorne -
Ride Suburban Critical Mass this Sunday
While many cyclists in Toronto are aware of the monthly Critical Mass, the newly created Suburban Critical Mass may be a way to see other parts of the...
By Tammy Thorne -
Bike Train 2008 launches today!
This could be you (above). Take the Train — Bring your Bike! Avoid Soaring Gas prices and explore southern Ontario this summer on the Bike Train...
By Tammy Thorne -
Bike Film Fest this weekend
The international Bicycle Film Festival is here and worth checking out. Its been going on for two days already, but there are a lot of good flicks and...
By Matthew Blackett -
North York Mass bike ride this Sunday June 8 at 3pm
Join us for a fun-filled ride as we ride en masse through North York: it’s time to make every Toronto street a cycling street. START: 2300 Yonge...
By Tammy Thorne -
Cutting short the Annette Street bike lane
“Perhaps for the first time in North America since the invention of the automobile, road space for motor vehicles is being reallocated to bicycles,â€Â...
By Dale Duncan -
Lorne Shields Historical Bicycle Photography
Cinecycle Toronto presents a rare opportunity to see one of the world’s finest collections of early cycling history. Esteemed collector Lorne...
By Tammy Thorne -
Bike Safety, circa 1958
[youtube][/youtube] Nothing like some good ol’ fashioned bike fear mongering, 1950-styles. I’m...
By Matthew Blackett -
Events Guide: Memorial ride for cyclist killed last week
What: Memorial ride for cyclist killed at Eglinton and Braemar When: May 29, 2008 – 9:00 am (followed by a memorial from 9:45 am – 10:15am...
By Matthew Hague