Reports of Nathan Phillips’s death have been greatly exagerated
Again on Saturday, after checking on the Spadina Thimble and meandering back east through the Queen West cardigan sweater district, I saw a commotion in...
By Shawn Micallef -
New Fan-Produced Google TTC Map
We are constantly impressed by the labours of love the Toronto Transit Commission brings out of its fans, but we were totally blown away by this transit...
By James Bow -
Whose space is public space?
Jerrold Litwinenko at BlogTO had a good post yesterday on public space surveillance, and the comment section has a good debate going. Last week, when a...
By Matthew Blackett -
Goodbye Stump (Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em)
The scene Monday in front of Scotiabank Centre was loud. The Murray Demolition company (I always wonder what the omnipresent Toronto demolisher Murray...
By Shawn Micallef -
Dancing in the streets
Tired, like Billy Idol, of just dancing with yourself? Or tireder still, like OK GO, of dancing on treadmills at the gym? Well break on out of that...
By Leah Sandals -
The Kids are Alright
(Image of the Wyld-Darling building on Bay Street, after the 1904 fire — via Toronto Archives) John Barber’s Globe column today, A city in...
By Shawn Micallef -
Do lazy people move to the suburbs?
Researchers have established in recent years that there is a correlation between obesity and sprawl — people in low-density suburbs, who have to...
By Dylan Reid -
The Wellesley Insitute’s Blueprint video
As part of our partnership with the Wellesley Institute, we present the Blueprint video to help you get a better understanding of what the Blueprint is...
By Spacing -
The Blueprint to End Homelessness launches today
Compare these average monthly costs of housing and homelessness: social housing ($199.92); shelter bed ($1,932); provincial jail ($4,333); hospital bed...
By Dale Duncan -
Finally, a plan for affordable housing
How do we meet the growing need for affordable housing in this city? The problem has become so big, it’s almost overwhelming — each year more...
By Dale Duncan -
Walking Man vs. Raised Right Hand
We don’t usually signal articles that aren’t available online, but I feel the need to make an exception for the delighful and informative...
By Dylan Reid -
Walking while black?
[Edit – I received comments that my original version of this report included too much speculation. I have removed most of the speculation. Instead...
By Dylan Reid