Still a few days to cast your vote in the Toronto Urban Film Festival
Our friends at the TUFF — the Toronto Urban Film Festival — have 63 silent, one minute films for you to vote on. Go check them all out here...
By Shawn Micallef -
Park(ing) Day!
Today, Friday, September 16th, is PARK(ing) Day! In cities around the globe, artists, activists and citizens will transform metered parking spaces into...
By Hilary Best -
Free City Press: Turning Gallery Space into a Community Hub
It’s Thursday afternoon, and though the Free City Press’s submission deadline was yesterday, Editor-in-Chief J.P. King is still hashing out ideas with his...
By Hilary Best -
Event Guide: Raucous Caucus – Creating Theatre in Outdoor Landscapes
WHAT: Raucous Caucus – Creating Theatre in Outdoor Landscapes WHEN: Saturday, July 23rd at 11am. WHERE: Ward’s Island HOW MUCH: $60 This...
By Bronwyn Clement -
SPACING RADIO: David Anderson (Clay and Paper Theatre)
Spacing Radio is very pleased to announce a partnership with The STEPS Initiative! STEPS (Sustainable Thinking and Expression on Public Space) is a...
By Spacing -
LORINC: The potential locked up in Pecaut Square
Earlier this year, Mayor Rob Ford re-dedicated the interstitial space next to Metro Hall as David Pecaut Square — a classy tribute to a classy guy, whose...
By John Lorinc -
Hot Docs: Foreign Parts
Foreign Parts has the aura of a Discovery Channel special: the audience’s job is to watch and learn. The tone and pace of the film make it feel like an...
By Jacqueline Whyte Appleby -
Hot Docs: The Interrupters
Thoughout The Interrupters, the streets of Chicago are repeatedly called a “war zone.” While this is a phrase repeated by wide-eyed, blonde Fox reporters...
By Jacqueline Whyte Appleby -
Hot Docs: St-Henri, the 26th of August
In 1962, three Quebec filmmakers collaborated on St-Henri, le cinq Septembre, a project documenting working class life in the Montreal neighbourhood of...
By Jacqueline Whyte Appleby -
Hot Docs: Battle for Brooklyn
It was once said of Robert Moses that, “He loves the public, but not as people.” Moses was of course the modernist “master-builder” of 20th -century New...
By Brett Story -
What to See at Hot Docs 2011
Hot Docs 2011 began last night, and runs until May 8. In the next week Spacing will be posting reviews of some urbanist-relevant films. In the meantime...
By Jacqueline Whyte Appleby -
Everyday Heroes Festival 2011
This Earth Week, one minute silent films that highlight everyday eco-heros will be projected on Onestop TTC screens in Toronto and on screens in malls...
By Jessica Lemieux