Cultural guerrillas restore Paris’ Pantheon clock
Here in Toronto, we like to revel in the actions of guerrilla activists who do things to try and better our everyday lives: the Urban Repair Squad...
By Matthew Blackett -
ROM tries to move hot dog vendors “blocking Crystal view”
I just returned from a museums conference in Ottawa and was just sorting through my notes to post soon on a few of the surprisingly positive public space...
By Leah Sandals -
Fred Flintstone & pedal powered cars beware
Today the driver of the artwork titled “Shared Propulsion Car” — arrested on Queen Street on October 25th — appeared in court and...
By Shawn Micallef -
My Toronto Video Contest Winners
The results are in and we have our winners for the My Toronto Video Contest! Overall, it was a difficult task — how do you sum up Toronto in thirty...
By Shawn Micallef -
A monument for “The Campaign Against Terror�
There was a lot of press on memorials and remembrance over this November 11 weekend — among it a mini-tour of unusual war memorials I wrote for...
By Leah Sandals -
Rethinking Redevelopment at Regent Park Film Fest
Though there’s urban development panels aplenty in Toronto, few of them have taken place in the neighbourhood that’s currently experiencing...
By Leah Sandals -
Slang of Buildings
Wherever buildings meet there are dialogues—I think this is what Galen shows us in these photographs. The framing of his photos directs us to a...
By Amber Yared -
You Never Bike Alone
Happy BikeFriday my fellow velo-istas! As usual, the bike-friendly folks at Alternative Grounds will be giving free in-house coffee to cyclists. According...
By Tammy Thorne -
A debate we don’t have in Toronto
We’ve all walked the streets of Toronto and seen some weird thing that makes us wonder if it’s art or just … a weird thing. In Brooklyn...
By Shawn Micallef -
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
[youtube][/youtube] Last night on TVO’s Saturday Night at the Movies — one of the best curated film...
By Shawn Micallef -
Design thinkers: Day one
DESIGN THINKERS CONFERENCE — Janine James has a tip for every city that wants to become more sustainable: start with a vision and the rest will...
By Jessica Hume -
Cultural Geography in Windsor
For our Windsor readers and those who may be heading to the Sun Parlour of Canada this weekend, there is a symposium on the cultural geography of the...
By Shawn Micallef