Wednesday’s headlines
TTC UNION • TTC opening itself up to terrorists: Kinnear [Toronto Sun] • TTC launches anti-privatization ad campaign [Toronto Sun] • TTC union launching...
By Mairin Piccinin -
Tuesday’s headlines
CITY HALL Toronto charts a path to car-free streets [Globe &Mail] GTA residents divided on best route for transit funding: poll [Globe &Mail...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Friday’s headlines
PLASTIC BAG BAN Public hearings set on Toronto’s plastic bag ban [Toronto Star] Council vote map: Revisit plastic bag ban [Toronto Star] Public...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Thursday’s headlines
PLASTIC BAG BAN • Plastic bag ban in legal limbo [Toronto Sun] • Plastic bag ban fight could head into ‘uncharted territory’ as council struggles with its...
By Mairin Piccinin -
Wednesday’s headlines
JARVIS BIKE LANES • City council kills Jarvis bike lanes [Toronto Sun] • Jarvis bike lanes to be removed after last-ditch council effort to save them...
By Mairin Piccinin -
Tuesday’s headlines
TRANSIT Toronto’s long awaited transit conversation begins [Globe & Mail] Highway toll, fuel tax top city staff’s list of ways to fund...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Monday’s headlines
CITY HALL Plastic bag ban: Ford pushes radio listeners to help get it rescinded [Toronto Star] Delegations off to Italy, China [Toronto Star] Top Toronto...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Friday’s headlines
FORD Rob Ford denies ombudsman finding that his office meddled with civic appointments [Globe & Mail] Rob Ford administration...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Thursday’s headlines
SCHOOLS • Plans for queer-centric high school put on hold [Toronto Star] • Media shut out of Toronto gay-centric high school meeting [Toronto Sun...
By Mairin Piccinin -
Wednesday’s headlines
TORONTO ZOO Transfer of Toronto Zoo elephants to California sanctuary postponed again [Toronto Star] Toronto Zoo delays elephant move over TB...
By Mairin Piccinin -
Tuesday’s headlines
FORD Ford slams reporters, apolgizes then slams them again [Globe & Mail] Councillor Doug Ford apologizes, almost, for calling reporters new name...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Monday’s headlines
TTC Stintz, Ford at odds over need to hike TTC fares in 2013 [Globe & Mail] In court, TTC workers have someone in their corner [Globe & Mail...
By Jonathan Zettel