Thursday’s headlines
FORD • A betting man [Torontoist] CITY HALL • Metro Hall sale won’t net City much: Report [The Sun] TRANSIT • Bike plan blazes trails instead of lanes...
By Barry Chong -
Wednesday’s headlines
CITY HALL • Bag fee could be kept alive by council [The Sun] • Councillors moving into their new office “palaces” [The Sun] • Councillor wants update on...
By Barry Chong -
Tuesday’s headlines
FORD • Ford can win again; here’s why [The Star] • Rob Ford cancels ‘Cut the Waist’ weigh-in, reduces schedule to every other week [National Post] ...
By Barry Chong -
Monday’s headlines
FORD • Toronto Mayor Rob Ford wants to scrap 5-cent plastic bag fee [The Star] • I’m a ‘true believer’ in PanAm Games, Ford says [National Post] TRANSIT ...
By Barry Chong -
Friday’s headlines
FORD • Keenan: Sideshow Rob [The Grid] CITY HALL • Toronto ordered to double payment to landowner for Dufferin project [The Star] • Gun retailers still...
By Barry Chong -
Thursday’s headlines
FORD • Gee: Ford turns back on support community at flag raising [Globe & Mail] • Rob Ford’s silent treatment [NOW] • Police find ‘no evidence’ to...
By Barry Chong -
Wednesday’s headlines
CITY HALL • Councillor seeks to restore program cuts with new-found surplus [Globe & Mail] • Clash expected at council Wednesday [The Sun] • Ford...
By Noah van der Laan -
Tuesday’s headlines
FORD Mayor Rob Ford marks World Press Freedom Week [The Star] Ford targets Star on his radio show [The Sun] CITY HALL Councillor wants budget cuts...
By Barry Chong -
Monday’s headlines
FORD • Posted Toronto Political Panel: The Mayor’s fence feud [National Post] • Rob Ford talked of tearing down house contrary to agent’s comments at...
By Noah van der Laan -
Friday’s headlines
FORD Keenan: Send in the clowns [The Grid] Ford still steaming mad at the Toronto Star [The Sun] Ford’s outbursts tarnishing Toronto’s image...
By Barry Chong -
Thursday’s headlines
CITY HALL • Vaughan wants to change food truck rules [The Sun] • Voter Registrations Missing In Contested Toronto Riding [Huffington Post] • Toronto...
By Noah van der Laan -
Wednesday’s headlines
CITY HALL • Councillor joins fight to keep long-gun data [Globe & Mail] • Doug Ford backs property tax freeze, while mayor says let’s see [Globe &...
By Noah van der Laan