So many bikes
I’ve been cycling to my job at the University of Toronto for several years now, and each year there have been a few more bikes parked there. But...
By Dylan Reid -
Raising the road to meet the sidewalk
There’s an interesting little piece of infrastructure innovation on the west side of University Ave. at Orde St., just south of College in the...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: Frankly, Miller has done good
John Lorinc will return to his election coverage columns in two weeks. In the meantime, here is his column from the Summer 2010 issue of Spacing. With...
By John Lorinc -
IDEAS FOR TORONTO: Infrastructure referendums
The Toronto City Summit Alliance held a roundtable event last Wednesday to discuss revenue tools that could reliably fund Metrolinx’s The Big Move...
By Adrian Lightstone -
G20: Hitting us where it hurts
It was an eerie experience traversing Toronto’s should-be-bustling downtown streets in the days leading up to the G20. But it wasn’t freedom I...
By Emma Feltes -
Complete Streets: How to build them
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part two of a two-part series on Complete Streets. Check out Hilary’s first post from May 23, 2010. If we want...
By Hilary Best -
Complete Streets: What they are and why we need them
Conversations about the architecture of Toronto’s streets tend to be terribly divisive. You’re either a cyclist or a driver. A transit user or a...
By Hilary Best -
Toronto introduces first public pay toilets on waterfront
Mayor David Miller and Councillor Adam Vaughan cut the ribbon to Toronto’s first fully automated public toilet Wednesday morning. Curiosity forced me to...
By Nicole McIsaac -
TTC unveils Next Vehicle Arrival System
As commuters boarded the 505 streetcar at Broadview station this morning, they were greeted by Mayor David Miller and TTC Chairman Adam Giambrone as they...
By Nicole McIsaac -
Traffic lights don’t have to be ugly: designs Toronto could learn from
Could traffic lights get any uglier than on St. Clair? In the Infrastructure Fetish feature of the new issue of Spacing, I wrote a lament to...
By Sean Marshall -
Transport in Bogotá: Buses, Bikes, and Bans
Last month, I had the opportunity to visit Bogotá. As late as a year ago, I had never expected to visit Colombia, as it was not on my radar as an...
By Sean Marshall -
Could Toronto lease out the Gardiner and DVP?
There was an interesting article in the Star recently (with a misleading headline) about how Chicago’s chief financial officer arranged leases on...
By Dylan Reid