How to Get Ahead in Advertising (by taking municipal governments for suckers)
Photo by torontocitylife. Transit shelters require concrete pads (bases) underneath them. Astral pays for those. The garbage bins they’ve designed...
By Jonathan Goldsbie -
New ways of thinking about cities and policy making
“Every time you do something in the city, don’t just do it, do it beautifully.” A seemingly simple statement made by Joe Berridge at...
By Nicole Bruun-Meyer -
Dept. of Funny Signs (and cool infrastructure): automated bollard in Delft
When I was travelling around the Netherlands this summer, I saw this nice example of a retractable traffic bollard in Delft that controls which motor...
By Dylan Reid -
Richmond & Adelaide: Two-Way or Bikeway?
While much has been said about the pedestrianization of Times Square in Manhattan, little attention has been focused on another bold project unfolding on...
By Dave Meslin -
Imagining the Green City
What would our city look like in a world that had gone beyond fossil fuels? It’s an important question, for if we can’t paint a picture of the...
By Keith Stewart -
Biking rules public service announcement contest
New York City’s leading cycling advocate Transportation Alternatives has announced a design competition for biking rules public service...
By Jake Schabas -
Council approves Union Station revitalization
Today Council approved plans to make the City the head lessee of all current and future retail spaces in Union Station, including spaces in a new lower...
By Jake Schabas -
Do not pass GO: Silly pedestrian barriers to transit
I’m not sure what it is about GO Transit. I want to think that it is an essential part of our public transit system. In many respects, it is: by...
By Sean Marshall -
Throwback Thursday: Planning for the Future – The Bloor Street Viaduct
To escape the long shadow cast by Canada Day, this edition of Throwback Thursday jumps to July 3rd (tomorrow), when in 1965 the first subway train crossed...
By Jake Schabas -
Dept. of funny infrastructure: Eglinton @ Allen Road
One of the few pieces of cycling infrastructure that the City of Toronto has introduced in the past decade are white dots painted at semi-actuated...
By Sean Marshall -
More than a bridge: Reflections on Bridging the Design Gap
Several weeks ago, the members of Bridging the Design Gap, an informal design charette, posed the question: ‘when is a bridge more than just a...
By Nigel Terpstra -
World Wide Wednesday: NYC for bikes and pedestrians
This week we thought it might be fun to look a little into another city supposedly fighting a “war on the car.” Many of our previous posts...
By Jake Schabas