Thursday’s headlines
QUEEN ST. W. FIRE • Fire ravages Queen St. W. [ Toronto Star ] • Six-alarm inferno smoulders into the night [ Toronto Star ] • Six-alarm...
By Monika Warzecha -
Queen West fire
The fire on Queen Street West near Bathurst is all over the news today. Five buildings are seriously damaged, Duke’s Cycle is gone and the building...
By Matthew Blackett -
Hard Candy on Lansdowne
The Convenience Gallery — the 24-hour storefront art space at Lansdowne and Seaforth, one block north of Queen — is hosting Hard Candy, an...
By Shawn Micallef -
One Book: Urban Exploration
“There are a couple of boarded-up houses on Elm Street, just near Bay,” said Bridget. She came over sat on the bed beside her mother. Marianne...
By Todd Harrison -
Wednesday’s headlines
• TTC riders moved by better service [ Toronto Star ] • Workers to recall gas nightmare [ Toronto Sun ] • Slow-GO petition gathers steam ...
By Monika Warzecha -
The Hidden Jewel of Hull
Marc Dubé is the owner of most of the parking lots in downtown Hull. He was kind enough to agree to an interview with The Impervious P-lot...
By Amber Yared -
Tree Tuesday: Good & eco in the garden of pizza
Every Tuesday, Todd Irvine of LEAF posts a stop from the Toronto Tree Tours, a collaborative project of LEAF and the Toronto Public Space Committee. The...
By Todd Irvine -
Ted Tyndorf, 1953-2008: Toronto Chief City Planner
Over the weekend, Toronto’s chief city planner, Ted Tyndorf, passed away. He had been battling for months against a second bout of cancer. Over the...
By Spacing -
Tuesday’s headlines
• TTC picks up speed at last on all-campus pass [ Toronto Star ] • Off-again, on-again light trouble on again on Leaside bridge [ Toronto Star ...
By Monika Warzecha -
Mapping our urbanism part VI – income
This animated map showcases the datum bookends of the excellent publication The Three Cities within Toronto: Income polarization among Toronto’s...
By Robin Chubb -
Montréal Monday — rooftops, green roads, and jaywalkers
Each Monday, Spacing will bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montréal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and...
By Todd Harrison -
Monday’s headlines
• Property investors first off the mark on lobbyist registry [ Globe and Mail ] • A phoenix waits to rise in Parkdale [ Toronto Star ] &bull...
By Monika Warzecha