Tree Tuesday: Big old bitternut
Every Tuesday, Todd Irvine of Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF) will post a stop from the Toronto Tree Tours, a collaborative project...
By Todd Irvine -
Doors Open Niagara
One of the happiest traditions in recent years has been Doors Open, a free annual architectural event that allows visitors to explore and appreciate old...
By Sean Marshall -
LEAFy Drinks
Are you passionate about Toronto’s urban forest? Do you enjoy a nice beverage? Join LEAF staff and volunteers for a pint at the Victory Cafe on...
By Todd Irvine -
Walk21 appetizer
A quick reminder that there are several community events in the next couple of days related to the Walk21 conference starting this evening in Toronto. I...
By Dylan Reid -
The Art of Parking
Editor’s Note: Thus continues the investigation into the many parking lots of downtown Hull by Spacing’s Ottawa/Gatineau Region correspondent...
By Amber Yared -
Toronto is the black sheep of the White Nights
Nuit Blanche has come and gone and proved once again to be a wonderful evening for thousands of participants. And once again, the event has triggered...
By Dave Meslin -
An attempt at live blogging the Great Queen Street Psychogeographic Walk
The idea of live blogging has never really appealed as writing is generally better when the author thinks about it for a while (there are exceptions of...
By Shawn Micallef -
Spacing at Word on the Street
SPACING AT WORD ON THE STREET WHEN: Sunday, 11am to 6pm WHERE: Queen’s Park Circle (Museum subway stop) Spacing will be participating in the Word on...
By Spacing -
Spacing at Nuit Blanche
SPACING’S MyTORONTO AT NUIT BLANCHE WHEN: Saturday, 7-9pm WHERE: 401 Richmond W. quadrangle (Spadina and Richmond) Spacing will be showing a...
By Spacing -
Winter cycling in Toronto vs. Copenhagen
I was at a meeting of cyclists last night when the topic of cycling in the winter came up. One person made a reference I have heard before: that in...
By Dylan Reid -
Nuit Blanche Interactive Alchemy
To further complicate and overload what will likely be the busiest (and hopefully again most wonderful) night of the year in Toronto, I suggest you make a...
By Shawn Micallef -
The Great Queen Street Psychogeographic Walk
On Sunday September 30th Spacing Magazine and the Toronto Psychogeography Society present the Great Queen Street Psychogeographic Walk, part of the run up...
By Shawn Micallef