Toronto Diaspora
In this photo, taken last September, a proud former Torontonian spreads the royalty-free Gospel of Toronto Iconography in the tourist town of Bugibba...
By Shawn Micallef -
Why “Toronto: You belong here” belongs here
Well, dress me up in a three-piece suit and call me a Rotman School of Management professor! According to a Star editorial today by RSM marketing prof...
By Leah Sandals -
Where in the GTA?
In its march of progress, Toronto and the GTA have consumed many small Ontario towns and knitted them together in one big sprawling quilt. There are still...
By Shawn Micallef -
Bloggers effect change on the TTC’s website
As many of the regular Spacing Wire readers will know, a few blogs here in Toronto teamed up to gather feedback for the TTC on improving their horrible...
By Matthew Blackett -
We are an intersection
There has a lot of discussion about the new Live With Culture ads that are playing in various US alternative weeklies. City Hall on Friday saw a media...
By Shawn Micallef -
A tax for artists? Gallery director’s public poster campaign says yes.
In today’s Star, Christopher Hume gives column-inches to Kyle Rae’s push for investment in “the arts.” Interestingly, in...
By Leah Sandals -
A bike-tastic vision for the waterfront
Paris bike lane pic by Gadl Last week I attended the first public meeting for the Central Waterfront redesign. I am happy to report that the presentations...
By Tammy Thorne -
Calling all creative transit fans: come to TTCamp!
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. A self-described “ad-hoc gathering of designers, transit geeks, bloggers, visual artists, tech geeks and cultural...
By James Bow -
Mapping our urbanism – water mains
In the Toronto Star last weekend was a special 2-page spread on the sorry state of Toronto’s water mains with emphasis on who’s to pay for...
By Robin Chubb -
Freezing my public art off
OK, I’ll admit it; after writing a piece on art relating to climate change earlier this month, and still believing that climate change is happening...
By Leah Sandals -
Toronto in print
If you’re killing time in front of your computer while waiting for better weather to come, you might want to browse through the 185-page PDF...
By Josh Hume -
Toronto can and must set up an alternative to the OMB
Christopher Hume, interviewing former Toronto chief planner Paul Bedford, has written one of the best columns I’ve seen so far about the issue of...
By Dylan Reid