Sam Javanrouh photo from lightning storm
Sam Javanrouh, the world famous Toronto photoblogger and regular Spacing contributor, captured this amazing photo of the lightning storm we had the other...
By Matthew Blackett -
EUCAN and misinformation
The Megabin project is dead, but the war or words is still raging. Joe Clark, Leslieville’s loudest booster, recently found EUCAN misleading the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Get tangled this Sunday
This Sunday, the Toronto School of Creativity and Inquiry is coordinating a conversation on entangled territories in the city. Not only will it address...
By Leah Sandals -
Major walking conference coming to Toronto
City Council has just approved a proposal for Toronto to host the major world annual conference on pedestrianism, Walk21, in 2007, in conjunction with...
By Dylan Reid -
Pirates of the Streetcar party
Pirates of the Streetcar Party: A fundraiser for Newmindspace Friday, August 4th 2006, Bathurst & Wolseley @ 7:30p Our friendly, freaky friends over...
By Matthew Blackett -
Headlines worth following: Aug 2
• Toronto police to use closed circuit TV at Caribana parade [ National Post ] • Police to film street party [ Globe and Mail ] • Ad on...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto waterfront enters Hall of Shame
Project for Public Spaces in New York has a fantastic website that offers up lots of interesting urban planning solutions. One of their features is a Hall...
By Matthew Blackett -
Extreme Bike Lockers
The City of Toronto launched its new bike locker program last week. I posted on this, and one clever fellow replied, in part; At $10 per month, this is...
By Tammy Thorne -
Solid & Friendly San Jose California
I saw this utility cover on a walk through downtown San Jose last night. It’s so solid looking, and tells you exactly where you are. There are...
By Shawn Micallef -
Solar-powered trash compactors that don’t recycle
Most large cities in North America are facing their own garbage crises, so Toronto shouldn’t feel it’s the only one trying to find solutions...
By Matthew Blackett -
Things That Move: streetcar doc on HistoryTV
Back in the winter, I was interviewed about Toronto’s streetcars for an episode in a documentary series called Things That Move for History...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto vs. Reprazent
Continuing with presenting videos shot in Toronto that show the city in a neat way, this 1998ish video from Roni Size & his Reprazent collective was...
By Shawn Micallef