Distillery is anti-franchise, the airport LINK, and small town efficiency
All articles are from today’s Toronto Star. Distillery avoids sameness: from Chistopher Hume today…. For most visitors, the Distillery...
By Matthew Blackett -
Today we’ve been hopping around Scarborough. First, at 7:30AM we were at a Pow Wow at Galloway Park, in the Kingston Galloway neighbourhood...
By Shawn Micallef -
Bike Riding at Jane and Finch
The American screenwriter Marc Norman once wrote an essay called Bike Riding in Los Angeles and how weird that is. I suspect it’s not unlike bike...
By Shawn Micallef -
There’s more to World Cup than soccer
It was nice to read a sports column today in the Star that wasn’t exactly about sports. Cathal Kelly, the Star’s man at the World Cup in...
By Matthew Blackett -
For the first time in human history more people live in the world’s cities than in the country. CBC radio has created a website dedicated to citiesĀ...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Set a new BENCHmark
If you picked up a copy of Spacing‘s Winter 2006 issue (“The New Beautiful City”) you may have seen an article by Anna Bowness on...
By Matthew Blackett -
Torontonian Ivor Tossell was recently in New York City and took this picture of an MTA window display on 5th Avenue. Like, the main big money part of 5th...
By Shawn Micallef -
Drinking & cycling, new subways & TTC routes, street racing, police animals
• A teen was caught drinking and cycling and fell into an Etobicoke ravine. • There’s more controversy surrounding those new subway cars...
By Matthew Blackett -
The Adidas bridge at the World Cup
Just like the Olympics, the World Cup is an outdoor ad agency’s wet dream. Adidas placed this massive billboard over a bridge construction site on...
By Matthew Blackett -
Albion Skyline
We’ve watched the day pass by from the parking lot of the Albion Centre. A group of about 100 birds, mostly seagulls, have been pecking at the...
By Shawn Micallef -
The branding of Home
What would the neighbours think? I’ve always wondered when branding would reach the homestead. Not surprisingly, one of the most obnoxious shows on...
By Matthew Blackett -
Public space in the news today
• The Feds have tabled a law that specifies street racing as a crime. • The Howard Moscoe saga continues: Moscoe came under fire at council...
By Matthew Blackett