Why Not a Subway Fantasy (Updated)
Crossposted to Transit Toronto After this week’s rough start, why not take a moment and fantasize about a bigger, better public transit system? In a...
By James Bow -
TTC & CAA support Cycling
The TTC strike reminded Toronto Star jounalist Jim Coyle how wonderful the bicycle is for getting around: The learning began long years ago, a...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Spadina Expressway renderings
Spacing is throwing a party to honour the work of community activists that saved Toronto from the perils of superhighways. 35 Years Without the Spadina...
By Matthew Blackett -
TTC Operating Normally
There were no picket lines and all workers reported to work as scheduled. TTC service is operating normally this morning, and should continue to operate...
By James Bow -
It’s a Strike! (Update – Strike Over)
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. A wildcat strike has shut down TTC services this morning. Workers have walked off the job in an action linked to concerns...
By James Bow -
Union Station Precinct Plan
The Union Station Precinct Plan, prepared by a team of consultants led by Architects Alliance, has been released. It addresses the re-design of the public...
By Dylan Reid -
Forum: “Urban Activism”
The Toronto Society of Architects is holding a forum on “Urban Activism” featuring former CityTV reporter and current candidate for city...
By Dylan Reid -
Airstream Locations this week
T.Ode finally launched on Friday night with a visit from the Mayor and Pier Giorgio Di Cicco, the Poet Laureate, and we have been travelling around the...
By Shawn Micallef -
SPACING.CA ARTICLE: This is my neighbourhood
Spacing periodically posts Spacing.ca-only articles, and this is one of those days. Laura Boudreau goes into grade four, five and six classes to find kids...
By Matthew Blackett -
TTC Union Threatens Wildcat Strike (Updated)
The photograph on the left is courtesy of the photographer 416 Style and is used in accordance to its Creative Commons license. Toronto area commuters...
By James Bow -
Cyclists of Toronto, unite!
Gotta give some props to the Toronto Star for their cover story on cycling in Toronto. It includes a big fat feature by Leslie Scrivener and a cycling...
By Matthew Blackett -
Winning design announcement on the way…
There are a couple of articles in The Star today about the Waterfront . . . you can almost taste the excitement building up to the announcement of the...
By Ian Malczewski