SUMMER OF THE GUN: 10 years later, pt. II
The response to the summer of the gun has been characterized as a combination of prevention (i.e. place-based investment) and enforcement (i.e. targeted...
By Idil Burale -
SUMMER OF THE GUN, 10 years later: Part I
In a four part series, Spacing’s senior editor John Lorinc and columnist Idil Burale look back on the “summer of the gun” in 2005. On...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Toronto’s connection to U.S. Supreme Court’s same sex marriage ruling
There’s a strange but compellingly human irony in that fact that last week’s momentous same-sex marriage ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court can be traced...
By John Lorinc -
Gardiner East: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Megacity
On Thursday, June 11, Toronto City Council voted to maintain the Gardiner Expressway between Jarvis Street and the Don Valley Parkway, endorsing the...
By Sean Marshall -
BURALE: Why are we so reluctant to truly end carding?
In Toronto, it is now in vogue to be down with the cause that is Stop Carding Now. The media is on board, so are some prominent Torontonians — heck, even...
By Idil Burale -
LORINC: We were promised Tory The Consensus Builder
I know that many politicians are ardent devotees of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s lovely old putdown, “consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” I also know...
By John Lorinc -
Why the Gardiner East terms of reference matters, a lot
With apologies to my readers who hate sports metaphors, this week’s city council showdown over the Gardiner may seem like overtime in Game 7 of a Stanley...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Can there be a Kumbaya moment for the Gardiner?
In the wake of the intense session at the public works committee, the Gardiner East battle was joined by North York councillor James Pasternak, who is...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Tearing down Gardiner East is all in the numbers
Does the melodrama over the projected two- to ten-minute delay that may occur due to the removal of the lower portion of the Gardiner resemble a farce...
By John Lorinc -
Toronto politics in a hashtag
It was 2010. The G20 protests were in the news, and Rob Ford was running for mayor. Some of Toronto’s Twitter users took to the web to air their...
By Kat Eschner -
PARKS CRISIS conclusion: 10 ideas to help solve Toronto’s parks acquisition crisis
In May 2014, council gave the city’s planning team the green light to embark on a three-year planning exercise, branded TOCore, that’s meant to figure out...
By John Lorinc -
PARKS IN CRISIS part 5: The system worked (slowly) for a west end park
On a warm spring afternoon, the park on the corner of Sorauren and Wabash avenues in the west Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale looks like a perfect dream...
By Kimberley Noble