LORINC: Mayor Ford fumbles for third time on transit
The Great Subway Battle of 2012™ was Mayor Rob Ford’s to lose, and he lost it with such single-mindedness and determination that this episode may well go...
By John Lorinc -
Follow our updates from LRT debate at City Hall
For the last two days, Spacing has been tweeting live from City Hall about the ongoing Sheppard LRT debate. We’re using ScribbleLive on our Spacing...
By Spacing -
Live coverage of Sheppard LRT vote from City Hall
LORINC: Is Ford ‘conflict of interest’ a crime or misdemeanor?
It’s time for everyone on the left to exhale. No judge is going to strip Mayor Rob Ford of his seat over his mystifying decision to speak during the Feb...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Et tu, Doug Ford?
Toronto progressives owe Doug Ford a huge debt of gratitude because he and that perpetual motion machine beneath his nose did as much to save Transit City...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Council opposition needs to keep eye on prize
When 24 councillors, representing the entire political spectrum, voted on February 8 to support Karen Stintz’s motion to block Mayor Rob Ford’s bid to set...
By John Lorinc -
Digging into the latest transit poll
The Toronto Star released an Angus Reid poll last weekend indicating that while Torontonians are split on whether we want subways or LRT, we have little...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Shawn Micallef as Rob Ford makes his case for a parachute at the Stephen Leacock debate
EDITOR: Last week at the annual Stephen Leacock debate in Toronto saw Rob Ford, Celine Dion, Stephen Harper and Don Cherry on a crashing plane with only...
By Spacing -
Has Mayor Ford opened the door to sustained transit funding?
Mayor Ford’s obsession with the Sheppard subway may have inadvertently broken open the political conundrum of sustained long-term funding for...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: Fords’ opponents must sell their transit story
In the universe where I live, politicians seeking to deliver on a campaign promise sell their plan to the public and their colleagues during a process...
By John Lorinc -
Mayor Bert Xanadu: Let’s build Transportainment City instead
EDITOR: It’s circa 1973. Fictitious Bert Xanadu is the Mayor of Toronto and owner of the Imperial Six cinemas on Yonge Street. Mayor Xanadu has been...
By Mayor Bert Xanadu -
Council’s growing rainbow majority is creating unity
On Wednesday morning, Metro Morning’s Matt Galloway made the claim that Toronto’s city council is more divided than ever. While rhetorically...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler