OMB says no to big box in Leslieville
Early this afternoon, the OMB sided with the City of Toronto and against the big box proposals in Leslieville. The City sent out the following press...
By Matthew Blackett -
Keep tabs on City Council through Twitter and #tocouncil
Toronto City Council is in session today and you can watch the fireworks streamed live on Rogers website. If you don’t want to watch alone, and are...
By Shawn Micallef -
Influential councillor outlines new electoral reform agenda
Last night I did an interview with Councillor Shelley Carroll for the next issue of Spacing. But Carroll is one of the great gabbers at City Hall so once...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Illegal billboards and the Ontario Superior Court
One of the galvanizing issues that helped start Spacing was the incremental intrusion of billboards and advertising into the public realm (what we call...
By Matthew Blackett -
POLL: What should be the name of Toronto’s proposed Downtown Relief Line?
photo by Kevin Steele Last week, Spacing readers (and many Torontonians) became rather excited by the prospect of a downtown relief subway line (DRL)...
By Matthew Blackett -
Harper ignores needs of Toronto’s most vulnerable
When word started leaking out last night through Mayor David Miller via Twitter that Transit City wasn’t funded in the budget brought down by the...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Events Guide: Rob Ford says sorry, brown cities, last billboard consultation
WHAT: Rob Ford apology fundraising party WHEN: Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 8:00pm WHERE: Revival 783 College Street West @ Shaw HOW MUCH: $10 suggestion...
By Spacing -
Ban smoking at sports fields, too
Toronto’s Board of Health and Parks and Environment Committee are recommending [PDF] City Council ban smoking within nine meters of Toronto...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
New Toronto Public Realm Office off and running
Last year, the City of Toronto decided to set up a “Public Realm Office” that would be a one-stop shop in charge of managing the city’s...
By Dylan Reid -
thinkTORONTO goes to City Hall
WHAT: thinkTORONTO winners exhibit WHEN: Monday, January 12 to Sunday, January 18, 2009 WHERE: Toronto City Hall Rotunda (main floor), 99 Queen St. W...
By Spacing -
New Deal for North American cities?
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–vlT1iGF0g[/youtube] There has been much chatter around the continent — especially as the...
By Shawn Micallef -
City Hall’s new committee members
Members to Toronto’s standing committees and agencies were confirmed today by City Council. Usually at the mid-point of a term, the committees are...
By Matthew Blackett