Jane Farrow
OCAD University’s Cities for People vs. Spacing
Once again we’re going to feature the work of 3rd/4th year OCAD U students who are taking my Cities for People summer workshop. The course has been...
By Shawn Micallef -
Jane’s Walk 2012: Spacing’s top 20 tours
The annual Jane’s Walk Weekend is just around the corner! On Saturday, May 5th, and Sunday, May 6th, hundreds of free walking tours will take place in...
By Noah van der Laan -
Walkability in tower neighbourhoods, and other walking news
I’ve written before about the project by Paul Hess and Jane Farrow to study walkability in Toronto’s high-rise neighbourhoods. It’s been...
By Dylan Reid -
The Walkability Slideshow, and the database of self-guided walking tours
In conjunction with this year’s Jane’s Walk, Urbanspace Gallery at 401 Richmond is displaying a “Walkability Slide Show” — a...
By Dylan Reid -
Headspace: Jane Farrow discusses Jane’s Walk
This regular online series will feature interviews with fascinating and influential urban thinkers, with a focus on discussing how Toronto can become a...
By Luca De Franco -
OCAD Cities for People vs. Spacing
Consistent Spacing Toronto readers will recall last June students in my then-brand-new 3rd year Cities for People workshop/course at OCAD University...
By Shawn Micallef -
SUMMER SHORTS 005: Dog racing and pajama-clad gardeners
We’re wrapping up the week-long launch of our new SUMMER SHORTS series by giving the last word to the executive director of Jane’s Walk, Jane...
By Spacing -
An open letter to candidates about complete streets
Dear candidates, The individuals who have signed this letter met recently to discuss the theme of transportation in our city. We are a diverse group of...
By Spacing -
Spacing Radio’s last show until January
CHECK OUT THIS WEEK’S SPACING RADIO PODCAST: To coincide with the release of Spacing magazine’s new issue on urban animals, Spacing Radio sent...
By Matthew Blackett -
Informal infrastructure and haunted house in Scarborough
In late September, I had the privilege of sitting in on one of the walkability studies that are taking place in conjunction with the City’s Tower...
By Dylan Reid -
Experiments with creating walking maps
I recently had the privilege of observing a fascinating exercise in mapping walking routes in St. Jamestown. Youth from the high-rise district marked up...
By Dylan Reid -
Events Guide: tree tour, stuff swap, outdoor theatre, and more…
WHAT: Rouge Park Tree TourWHEN: June 21, 10:30 am – 1:30 pmWHERE: Pearce House (1749 Meadowvale Rd.) On this tour, Jim Robb, dedicated visionary and...
By Patricia Simoes