OP-ED: Breaking Gridlock? More Like Reinforcing It
Toronto doesn’t have a congestion problem — it has a car problem. Yet, the Toronto Region Board of Trade’s Breaking Gridlock report offers more of the...
By Lanrick Bennett -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 086, Lost Highways
In a snap election called ostensibly to decide which Ontario provincial party leader can take on Donald Trump, we sure have spent a lot of time talking...
By Spacing Radio -
When data beats gut feelings about traffic
Digital data is an important component of transportation management, used by City officials both as a planning tool and to measure the success of...
By Anna Artyushina -
For Metrolinx, Queen and Spadina is an idling-bylaw-free zone
A project map circulated by Metrolinx shows that the Ontario Line subway’s Queen and Spadina station will be aligned with Queen Street and centred...
By Peter MacCallum -
The high cost of on-street parking
In case you hadn’t checked recently, there are, according to the Toronto Parking Authority’s very helpful “Find Parking” map, no...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Singing the gridlock blues
How does one know if the main street running through a neighbourhood, or on a route to work, is becoming more congested? There is a steadily noisier...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 083, The War on Bikes
With Premier Doug Ford’s repeated promises to rip up bike lanes in Toronto, and possibly even other Ontario cities and towns, we’ve decided to...
By Spacing Radio -
REID: Ford’s attack on bike lanes is also a planning problem
A lot of good reasons against Ontario premier Doug Ford’s plans to not only block many planned bike lanes but rip up some existing one have been put...
By Dylan Reid -
OP-ED: Private cars are not the accessibility solution High Park needs
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning in High Park, cyclists are lapping the loop while families stroll along the winding sidewalks. There isn’t a car in sight...
By Jessie Ye -
Why is the Board of Trade shilling for The Big Doug?
There are so many sensible reasons to not build a Toronto by-pass tunnel — what we at Spacing have dubbed `The Big Doug’ after Boston’s...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 082, Toronto’s political gridlock
This month, we respond to Doug Ford’s stated plan of banning new bike lanes in Ontario municipalities and building an underground highway from...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 081, Talking Transit ’24
It’s been a while since we had a good, old-fashioned transit talk with friends of the show Tricia Wood (York University urban geography professor...
By Spacing Radio