Toronto vs. Reprazent
Continuing with presenting videos shot in Toronto that show the city in a neat way, this 1998ish video from Roni Size & his Reprazent collective was...
By Shawn Micallef -
Heat, heat, everywhere…
The Toronto Star has three articles that are inter-related. The first one is about Baby Boomers and how they will bear the brunt of smog-related illnesses...
By Matthew Blackett -
Street Signing Man
I’ve been interested in street signage since my early teen years — I think my first act of admiration for our wayfinders came when I was 14...
By Matthew Blackett -
Today’s headlines
Ryerson’s new Sally Horsfall Eaton Centre for Studies in Community Health • Dirty beaches spark debate in Ajax [ Toronto Star ] • Hume...
By Matthew Blackett -
Contested Streets
It should not be considered a privilege to walk or bicycle in your neighbourhood and not get hit by a truck. It should be a basic right. This is part of...
By Tammy Thorne -
Greenpeace: You’re a prick if you drive an SUV
Greenpeace has released a 90-second commercial that takes dead aim at SUV drivers. While I appreciate the cheekiness of this ad, I ‘m not sure this...
By Matthew Blackett -
A glimpse of the future?
There was an article in the Star a few days ago about how the city will be temporarily closing down Queen’s Quay improve pedestrian access to the...
By Ian Malczewski -
Underground parking, skateboard parks, tourists in own city
In the Star today: The price of underground parking: A Star reporter takes a look at the disappearing surface parking lots in Toronto and lauds the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Freight Derailment Cripples GO Train Service
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. The Toronto Star is reporting that a freight derailment near Royal York Road has suspended all GO Train service out of...
By James Bow -
Cross Where You Want
Pedestrians in Toronto have the right to cross the street wherever they want (with a few restrictions). We tend to think of crossing the street mid-block...
By Dylan Reid -
Statscan releases commuting figures
In the Globe and Mail today: The average Canadian spends more than an hour a day — or 12 full days a year — trekking to and from work...
By Matthew Blackett -
Forbes’ Least Green Machines
North America’s most harmful vehicle: 2006 Ford E-Series van Forbes magazine has produced its first Least Green Machines list: a who’s who of...
By Matthew Blackett