Oh Canada
Dominion Day Weekend was spent in dear Windsor, a most American of a hometown that tends to hide in cars and behind air-conditioned walls to escape the...
By Shawn Micallef -
Kingdom of bicycles on a highway to hell?
The New York Times magazine had a very scary article this weekend on the rise of car culture in China. Here are just a couple of interesting bits of...
By Tammy Thorne -
Billboards in the city
Today’s Globe and Mail has an article about video billboards and the effect they have on drivers. From Dr. Gridlock’s column today...
By Matthew Blackett -
Kudos: Pedestrian Countdown Conversion
We give the City a lot of grief, often for good reason, so I think it is important to acknowledge when the City does something well. Recently, the city...
By Dylan Reid -
The Impacts of Traffic on Health
The City of Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health released a damning report in March on “The Impacts of Traffic on Health”. The report is...
By Dylan Reid -
Drinking & cycling, new subways & TTC routes, street racing, police animals
• A teen was caught drinking and cycling and fell into an Etobicoke ravine. • There’s more controversy surrounding those new subway cars...
By Matthew Blackett -
Public space in the news today
• The Feds have tabled a law that specifies street racing as a crime. • The Howard Moscoe saga continues: Moscoe came under fire at council...
By Matthew Blackett -
Headlines worth following
Here are a few headlines worth following today, and I’d love to hear your comments about: The City of Toronto Act: the new law passed yesterday at...
By Matthew Blackett -
Howard to quit? Ducharme says cars rule road
This TTC fiasco story won’t end soon, it looks like — Moscoe may step down from the the TTC Chair position. From Jeff Gray in the Globe and...
By Matthew Blackett -
Arts on Track, Opera House, countdown lights
The Toronto Community Foundation announced this morning, “significant new funding, achieving a major milestone in its “Arts On Track†initiative...
By Matthew Blackett -
TTC wildcat strike again? Don’t. You. Dare.
CablePulse 24 has issued a highly speculative report suggesting that the City of Toronto may be preparing for another wildcat strike tomorrow [link to...
By James Bow -
Dreams of expressway die hard
John Lorinc has an article in the Globe and Mail today about the 35th anniversary of the cancellation of the Spadina Expressway but he approaches it from...
By Matthew Blackett