TTC wildcat strike again? Don’t. You. Dare.
CablePulse 24 has issued a highly speculative report suggesting that the City of Toronto may be preparing for another wildcat strike tomorrow [link to...
By James Bow -
Dreams of expressway die hard
John Lorinc has an article in the Globe and Mail today about the 35th anniversary of the cancellation of the Spadina Expressway but he approaches it from...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING: 35 Years Without the Spadina Expressway
As part of the City of Toronto’s inaugural Humanitas Festival, a celebration of Toronto’s rich history, Spacing magazine proudly presents 35...
By Matthew Blackett -
Spadina Expressway renderings
Spacing is throwing a party to honour the work of community activists that saved Toronto from the perils of superhighways. 35 Years Without the Spadina...
By Matthew Blackett -
TTC Operating Normally
There were no picket lines and all workers reported to work as scheduled. TTC service is operating normally this morning, and should continue to operate...
By James Bow -
It’s a Strike! (Update – Strike Over)
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. A wildcat strike has shut down TTC services this morning. Workers have walked off the job in an action linked to concerns...
By James Bow -
Union Station Precinct Plan
The Union Station Precinct Plan, prepared by a team of consultants led by Architects Alliance, has been released. It addresses the re-design of the public...
By Dylan Reid -
TTC Union Threatens Wildcat Strike (Updated)
The photograph on the left is courtesy of the photographer 416 Style and is used in accordance to its Creative Commons license. Toronto area commuters...
By James Bow -
Robert Fung wants the Gardiner to get down
Royson James’ column today is with Robert Fung, the now deposed head of the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation. James reveals...
By Matthew Blackett -
Ride of Silence on Wednesday
Date: Wendesday May 17, 2006 In T.O.: meet at Bloor and Spadina 6:30 Leave at 7pm Join cyclists worldwide in a silent slow-paced ride in honor of those...
By Matthew Blackett -
This is horse shit!
In late February, when the much beloved police horse Brigadier was killed by a hit-and-run driver, I posted a bit of rant about my feelings towards cops...
By Matthew Blackett -
Pedestrian Crossover Review
I told someone recently that I had been at a meeting dealing with a review of pedestrian crossovers, and they got that glazed look in their eyes. But once...
By Dylan Reid