Why Not a Subway Fantasy (Updated)
Crossposted to Transit Toronto After this week’s rough start, why not take a moment and fantasize about a bigger, better public transit system? In a...
By James Bow -
TTC Operating Normally
There were no picket lines and all workers reported to work as scheduled. TTC service is operating normally this morning, and should continue to operate...
By James Bow -
It’s a Strike! (Update – Strike Over)
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. A wildcat strike has shut down TTC services this morning. Workers have walked off the job in an action linked to concerns...
By James Bow -
TTC Union Threatens Wildcat Strike (Updated)
The photograph on the left is courtesy of the photographer 416 Style and is used in accordance to its Creative Commons license. Toronto area commuters...
By James Bow -
Waking the TTC’s merchandising giant
John Lorinc has a piece in the Globe and Mail today about the TTC’s lack of good merchandise available to the public. And the Spacing buttons are...
By Matthew Blackett -
Fair or fare? Who pays at the turnstile
The TTC union says it does not want fare collectors to demand money at the farebox if they think it will put them in danger. Howard Moscoe, chair of the...
By Matthew Blackett -
$100 million for Union station
The Toronto Star is reporting the City and province will be announcing $100 million in funding for transit improvements to Union Station. Tim McGran...
By Matthew Blackett -
69 TTC stations photo project
Check out this neat project called 69 TTC Stations over on Flickr between Torontoist and Toronto photoblogger David Topping. He’s going to a...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto’s Next Generation of Subway Cars: Preview to Appear in June; Public to Name Vehicles?
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. The general public will have an opportunity to preview the proposed configuration of the next generation of...
By James Bow -
Name That Subway
The TTC has finally had enough of boring, old internal “engineer speak” it uses to refer to the various of models of subway trains it has used...
By Matthew Blackett -
Parkour and knitting on the TTC
Liz Worth, Spacing’s editorial assitant for the last year, has two pieces in the Toronto Star‘s ID section today. The first one is about the...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING FICTION: “23 Bay, 23 Bay, 23 Bay…” by Jim Munroe
Spacing has a number of articles from our public transit issue that we saved to publish exclusively on Last week we posted Robin Rix’s...
By Matthew Blackett