The Agenda: this week at City Hall
Toronto City Council has a heavy agenda [PDF] to get through at its meeting scheduled to run on Tuesday and Wednesday. Here are highlights of some of the...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Series on commuting continues in Toronto Star
This week The Star is featuring a series on commuting. Yesterday’s was particularly interesting, looking at what was alternately termed...
By Shawn Micallef -
Voice(s) of the TTC
Last week we linked to an article describing the firing of the woman who does the voice of the London Underground. On Thursday, the National Post had an...
By Shawn Micallef -
POLL: Which new name would you like to see the GTTA adopt?
The other day, Spacing challenged our readers to propose a better name for the former Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (GTTA) now known as...
By Spacing -
Montreal vs. Toronto: battle of the bus transfers!
MONTREAL — French Panic, a local blogger who may or may not be my neighbour, recently spent some time in Toronto. She came back with some pertinent...
By Christopher DeWolf -
Give the GTTA a Better Name Contest
As Spacing Toronto contributor Sean Marshall posted the other day, the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (GTTA) has rebranded itself Metrolinx. The...
By Matthew Blackett -
The GTTA is Now Metrolinx
The Greater Toronto Transportation Authority (or GTTA) has come up with a new marketing name and a new website. The new name is Metrolinx. The name and...
By Sean Marshall -
Funeral for a Subway Car
Waiting for a bus last week, I managed to capture a funeral procession for an old TTC subway car. Car #5605, a H-4 subway car, was built by Hawker-Siddley...
By Sean Marshall -
“Streetcars for Toronto” – 35th Anniversary
Forgive the belated posting, but this November marked the 35th anniversary of Streetcars for Toronto’s (SfT) successful fight to keep the streetcar...
By Craig Cal -
POLL: Should parking be removed from main streets?
There is constant debate, among those who care about traffic flow, about whether parking should be allowed on streets that share bus and streetcar routes...
By Spacing -
Washington DC: Without Representation
WASHINGTON, DC — It is still fall right now in Washington, DC. Leaves cling to trees and only occasionally scatter in a yellow pile. This is my...
By Liz Clayton -
Voice of the Tube Fired
With the recent introduction of the pleasant automated voice announcing TTC stops, it is interesting to read that the voice actor behind the familiar...
By Shawn Micallef