Urban Design
A Levy worth paying
You’ve got to hand it to Sheldon Levy. The head of Ryerson University may be one of the only university presidents in Ontario without a doctorate...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
The Birdman of the Annex
An interesting article in the Toronto Star today about author Graeme Gibson and the birdwatching passion he exercises in and around the ravines of...
By Shawn Micallef -
Close Gould Street Rally
[Ed note: this post has been brought forward to remind those interested about this event.] Ryerson University students have called a rally for Thursday...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Tree Tuesday: The Narrowing of Gladstone
Every Tuesday, Todd Irvine of LEAF posts a stop from the Toronto Tree Tours, a collaborative project of LEAF and the Toronto Public Space Committee. The...
By Todd Irvine -
Thunder Bay whirlwind chill
This past weekend I spent 24 quick hours in Thunder Bay, a city that does not live up to its name: it could have been called Sunny Bay. And rather than...
By Shawn Micallef -
Jarvis slip design submissions released
Waterfront Toronto has released the 3 competing designs for the public space at Jarvis Slip at the foot of Jarvis Street (Christopher Hume of The Star...
By Robin Chubb -
Site Unseen: Laneway Architecture & Urbanism in Toronto
Last Thursday’s post, Lost without laneways, garnered many requests for information regarding the suggested reading I posted at the end of the...
By Joseph Clement -
Mapping our urbanism – watersheds
Along with its article today about the TRCA‘s work preserving watersheds in the GTA (Clock is ticking for conservation dream), The Star included a...
By Robin Chubb -
Chicago’s Festival of Maps
CHICAGO — Not much sounds more appealing than a Festival of Maps, and Chicago delivered that holiday gift (and continues to deliver it) in its...
By Liz Clayton -
Mapping our urbanism – language
The Star included a map of “Greater Toronto’s language quilt” in their Ideas section today compiled based on recently released 2006...
By Robin Chubb -
Reflections on Baltimore
Following up (and inspired by) on Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler’s post on walking in Washington, I happened to be in Charm City for a few days...
By Sean Marshall -
Poor NOLA: The violent struggle to rebuild a great city
On his blog yesterday Richard Florida posted “Shades of Robert Moses” and asked “So you thought urban renewal and the destruction of...
By Shawn Micallef