Urban Planet: New York rolls out new wayfinding signs
New York City’s transportation commission has installed maps across the city to promote businesses and pedestrian activity throughout the city...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Walkable winter cities when the weather is frightful!
VANCOUVER — A couple of weeks ago Vancouver was hit by a significant (at least by our standards) and unexpected snowfall. For a city more used to being...
By Brent Toderian -
Q&A with Dan Bergeron: Evergreen Brick Works’ Underground Kilns
At the Evergreen Brick Works more than 40-million bricks a year were produced, bricks that helped define much of Toronto’s skyline. Now, to...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Yesterday’s spate of pedestrians hit by cars
I was on CBC Radio 1’s Metro Morning this morning to talk about the spate of 9 pedestrians hit by cars in 45 minutes on Monday morning. The spate...
By Dylan Reid -
Walking the last of the Toronto Green Line — Casa Loma to the Bridgeman Transformer Station
EDITOR: This is the final of Shawn Micallef’s posts following the Green Line hydro corridor through midtown Toronto, location of the Green Line...
By Shawn Micallef -
Toronto launches pilot project to improve safety the visually impaired
Walking Toronto’s streets can be dangerous for any pedestrian, but it can be especially hazardous for the visually impaired. The City has launched a...
By Andrew Russell -
Does your neighbourhood pass the “trick or treat” test?
Halloween is my favourite holiday for many reasons. On top of loving to dress up each year, a big reason is it’s the holiday most dependent on how...
By Brent Toderian -
Instaflaneur: on and off the grid in Toronto + Torontohenge
The Toronto street grid lines up perfectly with either the setting or rising sun four time a year. Perfect alignment happens again this Thursday, but...
By Shawn Micallef -
Instaflaneur: leaf peeping on the DVP
This Thanksgiving weekend the leaves are at about peak colour in Toronto — but there’s no need to leave the city. Just wander any of the...
By Shawn Micallef -
Headspace VIDEO: Kristyn Wong-Tam discusses Yonge Street
Kristyn Wong-Tam is city councillor for ward 27 in Toronto. A vocal champion of walking, the public realm and shared streets, Councillor Wong-Tam, in...
By Luca De Franco -
Those Photoshopped people in architecture images
The image above, from the new plans for the Port Lands, reminded me that Mark Kingwell points out how the random people added into architectural...
By Dylan Reid -
Humanizing traffic counts at Toronto intersections
Humanizing and humanely utilizing the endless stream of data coming out of cities may be a 21st century urban planner’s greatest challenge. Eyes on...
By Jake Schabas