New Rees wavedeck adds fantastic performance space to waterfront
Yesterday afternoon, the Rees wavedeck was opened to the public officially launched. The third of four wavedecks to open following the Spadina and Simcoe...
By Jake Schabas -
Green roof meets Gardiner Expressway
As the debate heats up over what the future of the Gardiner holds, local architect Les Klein proposes a radical new plan. Vannessa Lu’s article in...
By Jake Schabas -
Throwback Thursday: Travelling back in time on board the Trillium
Every Thursday, Spacing will bring you a snapshot of Toronto’s past, looking into what took place that day in the city’s history. Throwback...
By Jake Schabas -
Simcoe Wavedeck opens ahead of schedule
Two weeks ahead of schedule and significantly under budget, the beautiful Simcoe Wavedeck opened this morning. With the roar of the Gardiner sounding...
By Jake Schabas -
World Wide Wednesday: Lessons from Seoul’s river expressway
Last week, with the Jarvis Street lane reduction still front and centre, we looked at the big strides New York is taking in increasing its bicycling...
By Jake Schabas -
Malmo urban design slideshow
Fred Sztabinski, Spacing’s Amsterdam-based correspondent (that has a nice ring to it, eh?), had a great post about Malmo, Sweden’s waterfront...
By Matthew Blackett -
What a waterfront could be
MALMO – On a recent trip to Denmark, I crossed the bridge from Copenhagen and spent a few hours in Malmo, Sweden. This small city of 270,000 is...
By Fred Sztabinski -
Gardiner Expressway environmental assessment briefing
This morning I was at the technical media briefing for the Environmental Assessment Terms of Reference report for the Gardiner Expressway that will be...
By Jake Schabas -
Throwback Thursday: Hanlan’s Point Stadium
Every Thursday, Spacing will bring you a snapshot of Toronto’s past, looking into what took place that week in the city’s history. Throwback...
By Jake Schabas -
The Don of a New Waterfront
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_el3-9WN7Ss[/youtube] A few days ago I took the streetcar from Chinatown to Union station en route to visiting a...
By Ian Malczewski -
Past and Future on Shanghai’s Famous Bund
Source The Bund in the 1930’s SHANGHAI — Shanghai’s waterfront is synonymous with its history. The archetypal image of Old Shanghai is a...
By Robin Chubb -
eConsultation: another way to inform Waterfront redevelopment
My family and friends have often (rightly) accused me of trying to do too much at once. While I admit that this is partly a result of my personal struggle...
By Ian Malczewski