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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Neighbourhood Watch

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A selected image from the Spacing Vancouver Flickr pool. Image courtesy of it caught my eye.

A weekly roundup of noteworthy news in municipalities across B.C.

In the Comox Valley, a local conservation group thinks developments are being approved at a rate exceeding the budgets of local municipalities, leaving taxpayers to pay for ‘unfunded infrastructure liability’ costs.

Another task forces to add to the list, as the Terrace council was asked to strike a task force to look at taxation and also reduce its budget by $403,729 in order to lower business taxes.

BC Hydro’s board of directors has approved a $1.35-billion replacement of the 65-year-old John Hart generating station on the Campbell River.
However, Hydro still has a number of issues to address including compensation agreements with first nations, a federal environmental review and approval from the B.C. Utilities Commission.

This is well out of our borders, but worth a mention.  In Austin Texas, the marketing company BBH Labs partnered with the local Front Steps Shelter to deliver “homeless hot spots” using homeless people  as mobile internet hot spots to conference participants looking for Internet access. At least one local doesn’t mind the idea.

Transportation Minister Blair Lekstrom hasn’t ruled out a policy change allowing tolls on existing roads and bridges – if Metro Vancouver mayors demanded it and the public supported it.

