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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

July 17, 2012 Headlines


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• Urban wildlife here to stay so get used to it [Vancouver Courier]
• Park commissioner wants to protect private rental companies from Vancouver’s public bike-share system [OpenFile]
• Vision Vancouver’s re:THINK: Obscuring the housing crisis through the spectacle of competition [The Mainlander]
• Rental units proposed for Rogers Arena [Globe and Mail]
• It’s cheaper to buy in the suburbs [Fraseropolis]
• Food trucks, pop-up park return to Surrey! [Civic Surrey]

• Downtown not the place to raise kids, says Toronto Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday [Toronto Star]
• A walk with the team that will beautify our waterfront [OpenFile]

• How Urban Parks Enhance Your Brain [The Atlantic Cities]
• Between the buildings [The Economist]
• For Sunset, a new dawn [The Los Angeles Times]
• Accidents Will Happen: Lessons on Honey, Smoked Pig Fat, Atomic Disaster and the Half-Life of Truth [Places: Design Observer]
• Minneapolis a haven of uncrowded bike trails [Globe and Mail]
