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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Neighbourhood Watch

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Image: A selected image from the Spacing Vancouver Flickr pool. Image courtesy of itcaughtmyeye.

A weekly roundup of noteworthy news in municipalities across B.C.

Issues around banning backyard and commercial burning flare in Cowichan as fall-fire season approaches.

In Terrace, the city council’s decisions regarding whether to support the Ksan House Society’s application to convert an older building for community use will be waiting until the fall as they have plans of their on how own to use the money.

According to a press release from Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver and Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN), an agreement has been made that that will see up to eight affordable family homes built within the TFN’s new residential development.

The development of a network of electric car charging stations across Metro Vancouver seems to be moving ahead as a $75,000 provincial grant has been given to hire a consultant who will work to find private land owners willing to host the proposed 75 to 150 highly visible charging sites.

