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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

October 23, 2012 Headlines


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• Vancouver City Hall approves condo development that will demolish Ridge bowling alley and theatre [Vancouver Sun]
• Province gives Vancouver winter shelter beds, transition housing dollars before a single story written about standoff between the two [State of Vancouver]
• Sto:lo welcome home ancestral remains once housed at UBC [BC Local News]
• Accessible transit pilot at Joyce-Collingwood Bus Exchange [The Buzzer Blog]
• Heyman prevails in battle for Vancouver-Fairview NDP nomination [Vancouver Courier]
• Why Geoff Meggs Lost | ‘A Brief History of Neoliberalism’ [The Mainlander]
• Are electric cars bad for the environment? [Stephen Rees’s Blog]
• Tidying downtown key to revitalization process: Hensman [Mission City Record]

• Dedicated Bike Lanes Can Cut Cycling Injuries in Half [The Atlantic Cities]

• Largest skyscraper on West Coast approved for San Francisco Transbay Transit Center [The San Francisco Examiner]
• The new incrementalism [Better! Cities & Towns]
• Creatives and the Crisis [The Atlantic Cities]
