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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Neighbourhood Watch

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A selected image from the Spacing Vancouver Flickr pool. Image courtesy of waferboard.


A weekly roundup of noteworthy news in municipalities across B.C.

As usual, 2013 was kicked of by thousands of swimmers jumping into very chilly water. Brrrrrrrrrr

It now costs Metro Vancouver more money to use the Cache Creek regional landfill site due to an agreement made three years ago that the landfill operator pay royalties to local First Nations as a means of securing the bands’ support for the planned expansion of the landfill.

B.C. Assessment has released lists of the top 100 highest assessed homes in each sub-region in the province and now one can see an interactive map of Lower Mainland’s priciest homes.  Pretty interesting to see their locations.

Last month Translink chose the low bidding Damen Shipyards of The Netherlands to build the new SeaBus instead of a North Vancouver shipyard and now the NDP is warning import duties may more than devour TransLink’s expected savings of $2 million.

