• Neighbourhood at a Glance: Mount Pleasant [Vancouver Courier]
• Metro Vancouver mayors eye new pitch to impose vehicle levy to fund transit [Vancouver Sun]
• Metro Vancouver targets truck traffic, port growth [Surrey North Delta Leader]
• Join Michael: Support Viaduct Replacement [Price Tags]
• Sneak peek at the next phase of Urban Village [Civic Surrey]
• Transit smart cards worry privacy watchers [BC Local News]
• Surrey casino meeting is one for the record books [Surrey North Delta Leader]
• BC Transit, Victoria workers agree to contract [Globe and Mail]
• The disturbing and sometimes tragic challenge of walking in America [NRDC Switchboard]
• Bikes and Buses Propel Mexico City to Prize in Sustainable Transport [National Geographic]
• How a Reluctant Mayor Rescued San Francisco’s Budget [The Atlantic Cities]
• Wind turbines supercharged with superconductors [New Scientist]
• Cartographic Grounds: Projecting the Landscape Imaginary [Places: Design Observer]