• TransLink 101: Managing major roads and bridges in Metro Vancouver [The Buzzer Blog]
• Vancouver cohousing complex draws concern [Vancouver Courier]
• New rental housing near Beach Towers okayed by Vision councillors, who say it gives more people a chance to live in the gorgeous West End [State of Vancouver]
• Planners, developers hope for neighbourhood revival along East Hastings [Vancouver Sun]
• Can We Live again in 1964’s Energy World? [The Tyee]
• Sign of Spring – 2: Comox Street Greenway [Price Tags]
• The Development Scene: The Latest Info of 85 Downtown Projects [Los Angeles Downtown News]
• A woman’s right to enjoy the city [The Global Urbanist]
• The U.S. Simply Doesn’t Have Enough Available Rental Housing, Whether You’re Rich or Poor [The Atlantic Cities]
• New York & London Mapped According to the Languages that are Tweeted [information aesthetics]