• TransLink would benefit from retail revenue, B.C. politicians say [Globe and Mail]
• Vancouver, B.C., a relaxed getaway built for walking and cycling [Salt Lake Tribune]
• Creative Mornings: Constraints are a catalyst for creativity [Price Tags]
• 12th & Cambie: The Lo down on cheap market housing in shipping containers [Vancouver Courier]
• Developing Story: Short-term community gardens get mixed reviews [Vancouver Courier]
• Landmark heritage building sold to Nature’s Path cofounder [Vancouver Courier]
• Safety concerns inspire Vancouver traffic circle mural [Vancouver Courier]
• The Arcade – Hastings and Cambie [Changing Vancouver]
• Delta residents push back against development, fearing increased noise, pollution [Vancouver Sun]
• It may take decades to stop sewage from leaking into Burrard Inlet [Vancouver Sun]
• Via Rail says it’s acting in good faith on Island service [Victoria Times Colonist]
• Nanaimo city council abandons plans to remove popular dams [Globe and Mail]
• South Surrey and Washington State residents campaign against U.S. thermal coal trains [Vancouver Observer]
• Seattle, Then and Now (1891 to 2013) [The Atlantic Cities]
• Renters are part of the Canadian Dream too [Toronto Star]
• The Most Famous Models for How Cities Grow Are Wrong [The Atlantic Cities]
• One Town’s Amazing Plan to Lift Its Entire Downtown Above Sea-Level Rise [The Atlantic Cities]
• Digging up London’s history: Rail project unearths medieval ice skates, Roman roads and human remains [National Post]