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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

RELEASE: The West End BIA is Building Momentum


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Building Momentum

That was the theme of the West End Business Improvement Association 2014-15 Business Plan unveiled at its Annual General Meeting held at the Coast Plaza Hotel on September 25, 2013.

The organization recommitted to its mission to ‘brand, promote and revitalize the West End.’

The event saw the election of four Directors to the Board including Tania Gorton of Homewerx and Room In Order, John Webber of Royal Bank, David Buddle of Prima Properties and Michel Duprat of the Fountainhead Pub. Five of West End BIA’s Directors will be completing the second year of their two year term including Lisa Arthurs, Quick Nickel; Joe Skocan, No Frills; Mary Phelps, VanCity; Gary Gohren, Gohren and Associates; and Michael Makowy, HSBC Bank.

David Buddle was elected Chair of the Board. Lisa Arthurs was elected Vice-Chair and Michel Duprat Treasurer.

“The Board has laid a solid foundation under the leadership of John Nicholson our Past Chair,” said David Buddle. “Looking forward I want to continue our focus on revitalization and promotion and help the association build momentum,” added Mr. Buddle.

“Partnerships are critical to the success of any association,” commented Stephen Regan, Executive Director. “We are blessed in the West End to have so many quality event and community associations to work with. We will continue to grow these partnerships to support business success.”

“Gordon Neighbourhood House is thrilled to be working with WEBIA on cleaning the area,” states Paul Taylor, Executive Director of Gordon Neighbourghood House. “We see huge potential through our partnership with WEBIA to inspire businesses and the community to keep our commercial streets clean and well maintained,” added Mr. Taylor.

One of the highlights of the evening was the unveiling of a painting entitled “West End” by Stewart Stephenson of the Stewart Stephenson Modern Art Gallery. Inspired by the West End BIA’s new brand, the painting captures the energy, diversity and creativity of the West End.

