• Downtown Eastside non-profits feel a chill in the aftermath of PHS implosion [State of Vancouver]
• Vancouver house sales, prices rise on below-average volume [Globe and Mail]
• West End Memories – 1 [Price Tags]
• What’s New: Big and Small at UBC – 2 [Price Tags]
• Vancouver city council approves Marpole plan [Georgia Straight]
• Vancouver votes to move ahead on Engaged City Task Force recommendations [Georgia Straight]
• Metro Vancouver proposes $4 million park upgrade in Surrey [South Fraser Blog]
• Barbara Yaffe: Vancouver becomes increasingly insipid on the streets where we live [Vancouver Sun]
• New Marpole community plan unanimously approved [Vancouver Sun]
• Pete McMartin: A fruitless quest to save the Downtown Eastside [Vancouver Sun]
• Bloedel’s new $1.3-million roof to be done in one phase [Vancouver Sun]
• Islanders and Via Rail at odds over whether there’s a deal [Victoria Times Colonist]
• The Dalles at a tipping point says “bike freak” Mayor Stephen Lawrence [Bike Portland]
• ‘Heathrow City’ plan if airport moves from west London [BBC]
• The place for bike lanes [Better! Cities & Towns]
• Outsourcing Is Reshaping the Philippines’ Cities [The Atlantic Cities]
• Will a World of Driverless Cars Be Heaven or Hell? [The Atlantic Cities]
• The Social Project [Places from Design Observer]
• What if we could rebuild New York City? [BBC]