• The new Port Mann Bridge should never have been built and we should be ashamed [VancouverSun]
• Mayors call for more revenue sources [Globe and Mail]
• Cashing in: Why bike lanes don’t create costs for cars [Price Tags]
• The Vancouver Special: A unpredicted template for chic living [Globe and Mail]
• Montreal’s Bixi bike-share company struggles with deficit [CBC]
• Metrolinx Dumps the TTC as an LRT Partner. What Does that Mean for Toronto? [Torontoist]
• Should Millennials feel guilty for leaving their small towns behind? [Atlantic Cities]
• The shifting street art of the Arab Spring in Egypt [Vancouver Sun]
• Istanbul’s transit expansion uncovers ancient Constantinople’s urbanity – Video [Nature of Things]
• Facebook party invite goes viral and sparks riot in Dutch town [Globe and Mail]