• Richmond councillor worried about pollution from plan to barge millions of tonnes of fossil fuel [Vancouver Sun]
• Most in Metro Vancouver would choose big house, big lot in the suburbs over luxury apartment – survey [Vancouver Sun]
• Tiny plots of land hold the promise of big change in gritty neighbourhoods [Globe and Mail]
• Strathcona residents want more transparency in viaduct removal plan [Vancouver Courier]
• Million-dollar question: Vancouver-area survey reveals suburban dreams [Vancouver Observer]
• The curse of the perfect townhouse: Million-dollar Vancouver house safari [Vancouver Observer]
• Schools, cities worry about bill pushing for wider representation [Crosscut]
• The Power of Place: On Democracy and Public Participation in Planning [Planetizen]
• Downtowns: What’s behind America’s most surprising real estate boom [Forbes]
• In S.F., an uphill battle for a ‘freeway for bikes’ [Los Angeles Times]
• Gay Marriage and the Power of Cities to Change the Country [The Atlantic Cities]