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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Vancouver’s Urbanism Headlines: Monday


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• Tolls and the decline of driving [Fraseropolis]
• Province tells transit riders where to get off [Globe and Mail]
• Quinn Cuts It Close – Province to Metro Transit Riders: “I don’t like you” [Price Tags]
• TransLink base plan’s assumption on fuel taxes could spell trouble for transit riders [Georgia Straight]
• Little libraries bring sense of community to public spaces [Vancouver Sun]
• New Westminster council to consider asking province to deter trucks from using Patullo [Vancouver Sun]

• Marcel Côté wants more waterfront access [Montreal Gazette]
• Mayors struggling to understand Ottawa’s subway gift to Toronto [Globe and Mail]

• How citizens can make cities better [New Scientist]
• The best response to gentrification is better council housing [The Guardian]
• New California law aims to cultivate urban agriculture [Los Angeles Times]
• Despite Hazards, Street Skateboarding Thrives [New York Times]