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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Neighbourhood Watch

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A selected image from the Spacing Vancouver Flickr pool. Image courtesy of BlueandWhiteArmy.

A weekly roundup of noteworthy news in municipalities across B.C.

Simon Fraser University has a new table…..periodic table, that is. The giant interactive periodic table is an embedded wall display (about 10 ft long by six ft tall), with a box displaying real examples of the elements.

Just after Metro Vancouver bans smoking in their regional parks, smokers may now be forced to pay higher Medical Services Plan premiums to reflect the heavier burden they put on B.C.’s health care system.

Mayors and councillors at the Union of B.C. Municipalities voted 55 percent to support a moratorium on B.C. Hydro’s rollout of wireless smart meters citing health issues as the major concern.

Illegal construction in Surrey is booming according to one local builder who has watched unlawful construction occurring all around his Newton home over the past few years.

Residents of Cowichan Bay are happy to know that the dangerous traffic light at the Valleyview Mall intersection could be changed to a controlled light, from a risky advanced green, by November.

Maybe it’s just the change of weather….but Christmas is starting early at Burnaby North Secondary.

Exciting times for transit advocates as Metro Vancouver mayors will be voting Friday on the plan that would ensure construction finally starts on TransLink’s Evergreen Line to Coquitlam.

Places to light a cigarette are going up in smoke! Quickly following Metro Vancouver’s ban on smoking in their regional parks, the capital region of Victoria is strongly considering similar ban in their outdoor areas, such as parks, playgrounds, beaches and trails.

Imagine……the old Port Mann Bridge as a park.  Pretty interesting isn’t it? Well, the idea of saving the old bridge as a unique park was quietly floated by a Metro Vancouver manager at a regional parks committee meeting Wednesday.

And finally, a little something for the long weekend….a lovely compilation of nature oriented organizations and activities.



One comment

  1. The idea of higher MSP for smokers was killed by Christy very quickly. After all, she pointed out, it’s easier just to raise the tax on cigarettes.

    Gaetan Royer’s idea for a park on the old Port Man was anything but “quietly floated” – and also just as quickly dismissed by the bridge’s current “owners”. 

    Weekly round ups like this one would be more useful with a bit more reflection and context – not just the initial headline