Urban Lunch with Michael Geller and Tom Davidoff
DATE: Thursday February 24th
TIME and LOCATION:12 noon, via Zoom
REGISTRATION: Free. Register for your zoom link lzanatta@globalcivic.org
Please join us on Thursday, February 24th at 12 noon for the first Urban Lunch of 2022. We plan on continuing this online event in the lead-up to Alain Bertaud’s visit to Vancouver this year. We are honoured to have Michael Geller and Tom Davidoff speak this month.
Michael Geller: Sustainability Lessons from Dubai? Yes, Dubai!
Michael Geller recently returned from Expo Dubai 2020. He will share his insights of Dubai and Abu Dhabi with the eye of an architect, planner and developer. Michael has been involved in so many aspects of Vancouver development for around five decades and always has interesting and penetrating insights into our city.
Tom Davidoff: Natural barriers to construction and price growth: evidence from the U.S.
Tom Davidoff is a Professor in Economics in the Sauder School of Business at UBC. He also participates actively in public discourse around the important issues of housing affordability and real estate development. Listen carefully because many of his ideas are adopted by government. Tom will present insights into house prices that have not been considered before.
For more information visit the Eventbrite page.
Alain Bertaud and Marie-Agnes Bertaud are committed to coming to Vancouver in 2022. They advocate that urban planners and urban economists work closer together to make better cities. We will be preparing Recommendations and Considerations of ways to improve development processes of Metro Vancouver.