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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • (Re)Learning a Lot

    The history of the world is plagued by the erasure of important cultures and their built environments. Within the context of contemporary cities, the...

  • Embracing the Future: An Interview with Kobus Mentz

    With so many challenges facing urban environments, it’s difficult for urban planning and design professionals to see where they might fit in and how...

  • Learning from Moses

    The more things change the more they stay the same. – Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849 Robert Moses is a controversial figure in urban planning...

  • A View to A Kill

    What is the true value of a view? This question should be top of mind among all Vancouverites as the City of Vancouver Council considers removing the...

  • Broadway Plan Shenanigans

    Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra once said: “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” This is top of mind for...

  • Broadway Plan Interactive Map

    Information matters….and so does context. So, as the City of Vancouver embarks on four open houses related to the Broadway Plan over the next week...

  • Urban Cartoon Syndicate (UCS): Introduction and Call

    Political cartooning has been a significant form of social and political commentary for centuries. It took off in the 18th century when artists like James...

  • S101S – Understanding Shadow Studies: Why They Matter

    Shadow studies often get lost amid the seemingly more pressing issues related to current urban planning and design. However, the relevance of shadow...

  • Dense Confusion (Part 2) – On Affordability, Building Types, and Towers

    Dense /dens/ (adjective) 1 marked by compactness or crowding together of parts 2 slow to understand: thickheaded Affordability is so damn complex. In my...

  • Dense Confusion

    Dense /dens/ (adjective) 1 marked by compactness or crowding together of parts 2 slow to understand: thickheaded The BC Government recently released its...

  • S101S: Describing Building Types: Formal and Use-Types

    What are formal building types and use-types, and why is this differentiation important to planning? With a broad background on building types and it’s...

  • S101S – Describing Building Types: Why They Matter

    Why is an understanding of building types important to urban planning and design? What aspects of planning are they connected to? Given that urban...